Year 6 Transition

Welcome to Maritime Academy

Welcome to our Year 6 Transition page, where you can access resources and information about the transition from primary to secondary school. We recognise that the move from primary school to secondary school is a big one – often for parents and carers as much as for the students! Our transition programme allows us to make the process a positive and exciting experience for our students.

Maritime Academy opened in September 2022 with one Year 7 cohort so is uniquely placed to ensure a nurturing and supportive transition for every individual that joins us. We will do all we can to allow Year 6 students to gain a real insight into being a Maritime Academy student. Our positive links with primary schools in the local area and beyond, will allow us to create a seamless transition for your child ensuring that students entering Year 7 settle in quickly and with ease.

Dates for your diary:



Primary visits by Maritime staff

From week beginning 5th June

Parent Information Evening

Monday 1st July

Student Transition Day

Thursday 4th July

Staff Development Day

Tuesday 3rd – Friday 6th September

1st Day of term (students)

Monday 9th September


Travelling by Bus

As a school we have worked with Medway Council to provide free transport to our temporary school site located in Twydall Primary School. There will be three designated school buses that are for the exclusive use of Maritime students only. These buses will pick up students from three central pick-up points within Strood and transport the students to school. Students will be dropped off at these points again at the end of the school day.

The transport is free of change and we hope this provides a safe way to travel to our temporary school site.  Students should be made aware of our Travel Code of Conduct to ensure they know and understand our expectations to keep the transport safe and enjoyable for everyone. Any inappropriate behaviour or conduct that puts the safety or welfare of others at risk, whilst wearing the Academy school uniform, will be managed in line with our behaviour policy.

Whilst staff will be on duty at the Academy site to welcome and dismiss the students at the beginning and end of the school day, we expect students and parents to be responsible for their conduct outside of the school gates as responsible citizens able to be proud of the choices they make.


Students at Maritime Academy are expected to achieve standards of excellence in all areas of academy life including appearance.

A uniform, worn well, supports excellent behaviour, emphasises equality amongst young people and reflects the pride that our students have in being part of the academy community. Correct uniform must be worn at all times. We strongly recommend that parents and students review our Uniform Policy. The guide provides details of our official uniform suppliers, and we recommend that parents purchase any branded items from Simmonds our official suppliers.

Uniform is an important part of our school.  We believe it promotes a sense of identity and establishes good working habits. 

The Voyage

More about Maritime Academy, from our students:

Student Support Materials 

NHS – Going Back to School

Take a look at this great PDF that talks all about going back to school.

view here

Anna Freud – Helping children and young people to manage anxiety

A practical guide to supporting pupils and students during periods of disruption.

view here

Anna Freud – Supporting Mental Health in Secondary Education Booklet

Take a look at this incredible booklet by the Anna Freud Centre! It covers topics from self-harm to measuring mental health and
wellbeing in schools. Check out their website.

BBC Bitesize

This link will provide you with some useful hints about starting secondary school.

view here

Spark asked their team of children and counsellors to write some tips for pupils about to transition from Year 6 to Year 7.

view here

Young Minds

Young Minds have created a “Find your feet” video all about pupils and their fears over joining secondary school.

view here