Curriculum Intent

Welcome to our Personal, Social, Health, and Economic (PSHE) curriculum page. At Maritime Academy, we believe in nurturing well-rounded individuals equipped with essential life skills. Our PSHE program is thoughtfully crafted to address a range of topics crucial for personal and societal success.

Through engaging lessons, interactive discussions, and practical exercises, we empower students to develop strong emotional intelligence, make informed decisions, and foster positive relationships. Our curriculum covers mental and physical well-being, financial literacy, social responsibilities, and more, preparing students to navigate the complexities of the modern world.

Dedicated to holistic growth, we create a safe space for students to express themselves, ask questions, and seek guidance.

KS3 PSHE Curriculum Overview

Maritime Values in PSHE

Useful Weblinks




PSHE Association -

Jigsaw -

Kooth -

Home - Kooth


NHS Eat Well -

Childline -



Further Reading



Mindfulness for Teens in 10 Minutes a Day: Exercises to Feel Calm, Stay Focused & Be Your Best Self

by Jennie Marie Battistin


Hitler’s Canary

by Sandi Toksvig


Four Feet Two Sandals

by Karen Lynn Williams and Khadra Mohammed


Helicopter Man

by Elizabeth Fensham


Grandpa Has Changed

by Pam Pollach and Mel Belviso