
Curriculum Intent

“The idea is to write it so that people hear it and it slides through the brain and goes straight to the heart.”

― Maya Angelou

At the heart of what we want to achieve in English at Maritime Academy, is the cultivation and nurturing of a deep understanding of the role and significance of communication in our lives. This includes an ability and desire to read a wide range of texts, to be able to communicate understanding and emotions in precise and accurate ways in both writing and in speech.  The ability to communicate in a range of forms, in both formal and personal space, is a human right and a necessity for a happy and fulfilled life.

Literature plays an integral role in supporting students in their development of communication. The study of Literature in a wide range of forms and genres; from across the globe and time periods plays a critical role in shaping students’ understanding of themselves and their place in the world.  In fostering strong emotional intelligence, we are providing Maritime students with the tools they will need to be successful communicators.

KS3 English Curriculum Overview

Higher Education 


Maritime Academy Values in English:

Useful Weblinks 



Oak Academy

English lessons for Key Stage 3 students - Oak National Academy (thenational.academy)

AQA English Language and Literature




Seneca Learning



Carousel Learning


English BBC Bitesize



Further Reading



Legacy of Orisha (series)

by Tomi Adeyemi


The Dark Lady

by Akala


Artichoke Hearts

by Sita Brahmachari,


The Hunger Games (trilogy)

by Suzannne Collins


The Bone Sparrow

by Zana Fraillon